Q: Can I mount my Suspenz rack to the side of my golf cart?
A: While it is certainly possible to mount a Suspenz rack to the side of your golf cart either directly or with the use of a Kayak Wall Mount Bracket, please keep in mind that your rack will only be as strong as the side of your golf cart. Please refer to your golf cart's owners manual to confirm that it will hold the excess weight.
Q: How do I mount the wall racks to a cement wall?
A: Our customers have found that Tapcon screws have worked well for indoor & outdoor use. Use the washers that are included with the original rack with the Tapcon screws. Note: the Tapcon screws are only as good as your concrete wall, meaning the screws won’t fail but your wall could! Here is a link to help you learn how to install Tapcon screws: Click Here for Video
Q: How do I determine the distance between the towers or wall mount racks?
A: The distance between the Free-Standing Rack towers or Wall Mount Rack brackets is based on the length of your kayak. Ideal rack spacing is 40% of total boat length, (boat length x 0.4 = spacing). Please refer to our helpful spacing chart, as well: Click Here for Spacing Chart
Q: Can I put wheels/casters on the bottom of the rack?
A: Yes, you can however you will need an Adjustable Cross-Bar. Click Here to order Casters and Adjustable Crossbar
Q: I already have a 2-boat Free-Standing Rack, can I add on to it?
A: Absolutely! Your frame can be expanded to a 3 boat frame with use of our Expansion Post, and if you'd like to store 4, 5, or 6 boats you'll just need to add a Back Leg to it. Once your frame is large enough, just choose your Free-Standing Racks and you're all set!
Q: I don't live in the continential United States, can I still order from Suspenz?
A: Of course! Please visit our International Shipping Page for more information!
Q: Are Suspenz products covered under a warranty?
A: Absolutely! Please visit our Policies page to view the full warranty information. Click Here for Warranty Info
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